Newly fabricated tanks and lids on arrival at Corroserve’s workshops

Chemical Storage Tanks and Covers

A UK fabricator of vessels and tanks for multiple industries required additional chemical resistance for two storage tanks due to enter service in the chemicals processing industry. The internals surfaces of the tanks would be subject to constant immersion in 96% Sulphuric acid.

Advanced Coatings Protection

After delivery to Corroserve’s Leeds workshops all internal surfaces were abrasive blasted to achieve the required cleanliness levels and surface profile. This was followed by a blow down, sweep and vacuum to completely remove dust.

The floor/wall interface of the tanks were laminated using multiaxial glass fabric wetted out with laminate resin and rollered into place to provided increased structural strength.

Plasmet AR3, a two-pack solvent free polyamine cured epoxy, resistant to strong concentrations of sulphuric and other acids, was spray applied to the required DFT.

AR3 is primarily produced for protecting against strong concentrations of sulphuric acid, this product can also be used for other acids and in some strong alkali service duties. Applications include bund areas, tanks, pipe work, floors, decking, structural steel etc.

Above and Below: Following laminating and coating with Plasmet AR3

Above: Completed lid coated with AR3
Below: Final visual and QA inspection

Left: Close up of coating finish to neck of main
access port on vessel