Corrosion Protection of Water Boxes
Corroserve was asked to carry out surface preparation work and then to apply a suitable anti corrosion coatings on a number of newly manufactured water boxes to ensure advanced corrosion protection for the units during their service life.
The Solution
On arrival at Corroserve’s Leeds workshop the water boxes were abrasive blasted to Sa21⁄2 in the companies large scale blasting booth and then thoroughly cleaned down and vacuumed to remove all debris. The water boxes were then coated with Corroglass 600 series which was hand applied to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 1500μm.
When cured the water boxes were spark tested to 20kv to ensure the integrity of the coating. Corroglass 600 provides protection against corrosion in immersed and non- immersed locations and is resistant to acids, solvents and demineralised water.
Corroserve combines world leading engineering skills and advanced protective coating systems to provide unrivalled levels of corrosion protection in the harshest of service environments.