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Corrothane XT
Corrothane XT was developed for coating steel and concrete for both immersed and non-immersed applications where high temperature and chemical resistance are required.

The coating can be used at extremes of temperature, up to 300°F in immersed environments with no known lower limit. In non-immersed environments Corrothane XT is suitable for application where temperatures up to 500°F are reached. The coating also demonstrates excellent resistance to chemicals in both immersed and non-immersed environments within the prescribed temperature limits.

Corrothane XT is suitable for aggressive immersed service including process vessels, storage tanks, chemical service duties, pipework etc. across many industries.

The coating also offers excellent protection against aggressive service conditions such as high temperature ducting, stacks/chimneys, and structural steel. It may also be used for high temperature applications on concrete structures and on concrete machine plinths and bund areas.

A three-pack cold cured vinyl ester-urethane polymer alloy with glassflake.

Applied over grit blasted steel surface to ISO 8501-1 Sa2½ or equivalent the area should be thoroughly cleaned down and vacuumed to remove all debris. Can also be applied over suitably grit blasted and primed concrete surfaces.

Corrothane XT is generally used at a thickness of 800-1300µm (though thinner WFTs are possible) and is generally applied by airless spray. When conditions allow it is preferable to apply the product in a single coat application. Where multi-coats are required it is essential that overcoating times are kept as short as possible.

Storage life: 6 months below 75°F away
from direct sunlight
Pot Life: 50-70 minutes at 68°F
Surface Preparation: Steel to ISO 8501-1 Sa 2½
Application: Airless spray, brush for stripe
Temperature Limits: 300°F Immersed (No known
lower limit)
500°F Non-immersed
Recommended DFT: 800 -1300µm
Drying Times: 4 days at 68°F
Overcoating: Single coat application is
preferred but when multi-coats
are necessary within 12 hours maximum