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A high performance coating for demanding industrial applications
Corrocoat ZIP E is a single-coat, cost effective epoxy glass flake coating which provides durable protection on a wide range of metal and concrete substrates subject to aggressive atmospheric conditions and aquatic immersion environments.
Today, it is used throughout industry to protect structural steel, bridges, pilings, decks, externals of process vessels, pipelines, jetties, ships hulls and other marine environments.
Corrocoat ZIP Eis an epoxy glassflake coating, intended for single application. White and light grey are standard with other colours available on request.
For the best results, metal surfaces should be grit blasted to SSPC SP10 standard. ZIP E can also be applied to mechanically prepared or water blasted surfaces or where Plasmet ZF has been used as a primer. Priming is required on concrete – please contact our Technical Services for full concrete priming information.
Corrocoat ZIP E has a maximum immersed temperature limit of 122 F and a non-immersed limit of 194F. It should not be applied or used at temperatures below 40 F.
An airless spray pump of minimum 45:1 ratio with an output of at 1 gallon per minute is required. Depending on application and conditions, Zip E is normally applied to achieve DFTs of 10 – 80 mils dft by applying 10% greater WFTs. A single coat is preferred but multiple coats may be used to achieve the required OFT.
Overcoating may take place after three hours (the maximum overcoating time is 72 hours) at 68 F. When applied by airless spray it has a practical spreading rate of 50 sf / gallon at 20 mils wft. Zip Emay also be applied by a brush or short haired roller. Consumption will vary according to environmental conditions, geometry, nature of work and the skill level of the applicator.
Tack-free in less than three hours and with a full cure of four days at 68F, these values will however vary according to ventilation and temperature.