
 At Corrocoat we are experts at protecting structural steel. Moving on from standard multicoat epoxy coatings, we have developed Zipcoat, a superior one-coat polyester system that proves more cost-effective and time-saving for our customers.

Because Zipcoat is quick to apply, extra-durable and offers greater efficiency in structural steel protection, it’s a product which has been approved by Network Rail and the Highways Agency. In fact, they’ve used it extensively to coat a wide range of bridges, jetties and piling throughout Britain.

 Photo: Approximately 100,000 sf worth of 30+ year old pipe rack steel protected with Plasmet ZF plus Corrothane PA2 Coating system.

As the plant was active during the project, all surface preparation was performed with grinders and needle guns to achieve an SSPC SP3 preparation.

 Coating Specification: Plasmet ZF at 8 – 12 mils dft; Corrothane PA2 at 2-4 mils dft.

Some of the structural components we have treated include:

  • Structural steelwork
  • Superstructures
  • Footbridges
  • Pylons
  • Pipe bridges
  • Decks
  • Rail bridges
  • Staircases

Structural Case Studies

US106: Transmission Tower Splash Zone

A 48” dia x 13’0” tall galvanized transmission tower in South Carolina required protection against an extremely corrosive environment. The tower was sited in salt water in the splash zone which creates an aggressive corrosion rate due to tidal cycling. Click to read more.