An HSC pump required a programme of
refurbishment, the client had asked Corrocoat to
recommend a coating that could improve the
efficiency of the pump in operation.
Corrocoat recommended applying Fluigide to the
wetted surfaces. Fluiglide’s sole purpose is to
reduce fluid friction, increasing flow in the
boundary layer, thus reducing power requirements
and giving better efficiency. This applies both for
the reduction of losses in transmitting fluids
through pipe work and channels, and increasing
the efficiency of fluid prime movers.
The pump was abrasive blasted to achieve the
required surface profile after which multiple coats
of Corroglass 600 were applied to provide
resistance to solvents and acids.
After curing Fluiglide was applied to a thickness of
500µm. Fluiglide is a hydrophobic coating
designed to reduce fluid friction thus improving
flow and efficiency.
Corrocoat combines mechanical engineering with
advanced coatings systems that allow even
severely damaged pumps to be refurbished at a
fraction of the cost of replacement.