Featured Applications
Polyglass VEF : – offers long term corrosion resistance against a wide range of service environments, including over 1,200 chemicals, pH 1-13 at temperatures up to 230֯F (110֯C) in immersion service and up to 329֯F (165֯C) in non-immersion service.
Corrothane-XT :- developed for coating steel and concrete for both immersed and non-immersed applications where high temperature and chemical resistance are required.
The coating can be used at extremes of temperature, up to 300°F in immersed environments with no known lower limit. In non-immersed environments Corrothane XT is suitable for application where temperatures up to 500°F are reached.
Plasmet ZF :- utilizes a proprietary blend of epoxy resins and pigments to allow for a surface tolerant glass flake and a Micaceous Iron Oxide (MIO) reinforced barrier coating that will outperform every other surface-tolerant epoxy coating on the market.
Plasmet ZF Aerosol :- The same surface tolerant barrier coating, offered with a new delivery method. Now in an Aerosol – Mix & Go, It’s That Easy!

Corrocoat Zip E :- a single-coat, cost effective epoxy glass flake coating which provides durable protection on a wide range of metal and concrete substrates subject to aggressive atmospheric conditions and aquatic immersion environments.

Plasmet AR3
proprietary blended epoxy lining specifically formulated to provide long term immersion to 98% Sulfuric Acid.