US123: Seawater Filtration Vessel
A coarse seawater filtration vessel required
protection against constant exposure to corrosive
seawater when in service on an offshore oil platform.
Corrocoat had coated a sister vessel 2 years
previously and the client was so impressed with it’s
performance in service that they specified the same
level of protection for this vessel.
The filtration vessel was delivered to the company’s
workshop where the first task was to abrasive blast
the unit to achieve the required cleanliness standard.
After a thorough clean down and vacuum to remove
all dust and debris all the internal joints were stripe
coated with Corroglass 600. A first coat of Polyglass
VEF, which provides resistance to seawater as well
as many chemicals and solvents, was then applied.
After curing a second coat of VEF was applied by
airless spray, the reach the specified DFT of 60mils.
The external surfaces of the vessel and lid was coated
with Plasmet ZF, a surface tolerant coating. Finally a
second coat of Corrocoat ZIP E, which gives good
protection in aggressive atmospheric environments
was applied.
After curing the vessel was thickness and spark
tested to identify any holidays, none were present,
and ensure the professional quality of the coating
work completed.