US113: Air & Water Condensate
pumped-storage hydroelectric power station
required refurbishment work and protective
coating . The components are subject to air/water
condensate at temperatures up to 2500F in service.
The internal surface of the separator tank and anti
surge tank, as well as various pipe spools were
abrasive blasted SSPC SP10, near white blast, to
achieve the required surface profile. External
surfaces were prepared to SSPC SP6, commercial
blast. A final blow down and vacuum clean was
completed to remove all dust before coating.
Corrothane XT was then applied to the internals
to 50 mills dft, CXT provides good chemical and
high temperature resistance in either immersed or
non-immersed service. After suitable curing the
Corrocoat’s team carried out spark testing to
identify any pinholes/holidays to ensure the
integrity of the finished coating. Externally 2 coats
of Plasmet ZF were applied.
On completion of all works, the tanks and parts
were prepared and packaged for transportation
back to the power station and subsequent reinstallation in service.
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