Application Date
Scope Of Work
An internal inspection of the coating used on an
absorber in a large CHP station was initially carried out. The inspection highlighted the coating system that had been in place for just 3 years was suffering severe
breakdown – especially in the upper areas where the
working temperature is close to 392°F. The project
scope then was agreed to be the complete
refurbishment of the internal coating of the absorber
Corrothane XT in the upper higher temperature areas
and Polyglass VEF in the remainder.
Coating system
• Apply Corrothane XT to upper 170m2, and Polyglass
VEF in the lower 400m2 to a minimum dft of 1.25mm.
• Spark tested and thickness checked 100% of the
applied coating to ensure no holidays.
Coating credentials
Following the early failure of the initial coating system
(a European manufactured Epoxy coating), the
customer was eager to find an alternative coating
system that could withstand the service requirements – and additionally give extended service life without
Corrothane XT is a cold cured vinyl ester and
polyurethane hybrid developed for coating steel where high temperature resistance is required – and Corrocoat seemed the obvious choice for the high temperature sections.
Reports from the power station remain positive, and as a result of no breakdown whatsoever in the first year of operation with the Corrocoat system, Corrocoat have been awarded the refurbishment project of another similar absorber tower.
Corrocoat is confident that the coating system will
continue to provide the required protection for many
years to come – and will audit regularly to assess.
Right: View of the exterior of the absorber tower – below