Corrocoat Flexires

Product reference: 3/03

Product title: Corrocoat Flexires

Valid from: 10th January 2000

Last reviewed: May 2019


A highly flexible two-pack polyester glassflake resin with good elongation.

Suggested use

Applications where high flexibility and elongation are necessary. Used for crack bridging, between joints where movement can be expected or coating bellows etc. May be used to repair other flexible linings and rubbers and for adding impact resistance. Flexires should, where possible,be used with flexible reinforcing materials such as glass cloth and woven roving, to produce strong, flexible membranes; these can be free standing if required. Can be over-coated with Flexicoat for better corrosion protection.


Not suitable for service in aggressive chemical environments. For use in immersion conditions limited to 140°F (60°C). Please refer to Corrocoat Technical Services for advice.

Health & safety

Read and observe the Health & Safety data sheet prior to use.

Surface preparation

Grit blast to SSPC-SP10 (ISO 8501-1 SA 2½) or equivalent standard. Refer to Corrocoat data sheet SP1.

Application equipment

Brush or special roller.


Dependent upon environment, Corrocoat FR is normally applied in wet film thicknesses around 12-32mils (300 to 800 microns). Should multiple coats be necessary theprevious coat must be washed with styrene to remove any wax present at the surface.


May take place as soon as the previous coat is tack free. The surface wax must be removed prior to application.

Cure time

 Full cure, approximately 5 days.

Cleaning solvent

Acetone, Methyl Ethyl Ketone or Methyl Iso Butyl Ketone

Mixing ratio

98:2 Base to hardener

Catalyst type

Methyl Ethyl-Ketone Peroxide Catalyst P2

Pot life

35-40 Minutes at 68°F 20°C. This will vary dependent upon temperature. Do not use inhibitor in this productwithout first consulting Corrocoat USA.


The addition of thinners of any kind, including styrene, to this product will significantly detract from its properties and is strictly prohibited.


1 Gallon and 5 Gallon kits

Color availability

Amber Resin, which can be colored using sparing amounts of polyester pigment paste.

Recommended DFT

14-40 mils (350-1000 Microns), dependent upon application.