Flarestack Nanopaint
Product reference: 3/62
Product title: Flarestack Nanopaint
Valid from: 10th November 2009
Last reviewed: May 2019
Type: A single pack, aluminium flake-filled silicon coating for high temperature substrates in non-immersed service.
Suggested use
Flarestack Nanopaint provides good corrosion protection to non-immersed metal surfaces from ambient temperature up to 1110°F (600°C) and in thermal cycling conditions. Suggested use primarily as a corrosion protection for Flare Stacks and other high temperature atmospheric serviceapplications. It is also used as an under-insulation corrosion barrier to prevent problems associated with CUI.
Flarestack Nanopaint should be applied at substrate temperatures below 122°F (50°C) and temperaturesabove 46°F (8°C). Flarestack Nanopaint must not be applied to surfaces at elevated temperatures. Do notapply to damp or wet surfaces.
Health & safety
When using this product, safety precautions should be observed. Avoid contact with the eyes and skin. Suitable protective clothing should be worn. Ensure good ventilation and wear a vapor mask recommended for hydrocarbon solvent vapors. Read the Health and Safety Sheets before using the product.
Surface preparation
Wherever possible abrasive grit blast cleaning to SSPC–SP10 (ISO Standard 8501-1 Sa 2½) or equivalent shouldbe used (for full details, refer to Corrocoat data sheetSP1). UHP water blasting may be used to NACE No 5 / SSPC – SP12WJ-2/L standard, the substrate must be dry before application of the material. Flarestack Nanopaint can be applied over a mechanically prepared substrate but this will lead to a deterioration in performance. Remove any surface grease, oil or other contamination using a suitable solvent or degreasing agent. Remove any loose material from the surface by mechanical means and complete using suitable equipment to a standard not lower than ST2
Volume solids
Approximately 43.6%
Practical spreading rate
400-480 sf per gal (10-12 m² / L)
Theoretical spreading rate
530 sf per gal (13 m²/L).
0.03 lbs/cubic inch (1.03 g/cm³
Flash point
82°F (28°C).
Specific gravity
80°F (27°C) (Closed Cup method).
Brush or roller application, or by airless spray apparatus using a 45:1 pump ratio and a gun fitted with a 13 thou reversiblespray tip. Wet film applications of over 5 mils (120 microns) are to be avoided.
Not normally required. If required, only Xylene should be added, up to a maximum of 5% by volume.
Up to 12 months minimum in original unopened tins
Metallic Aluminium finish.
Recommended DFT
Generally 2 or 3 coats of approximately 1-2 mils (30-50 microns) DFT per coat are required. Edges and othercorrosion-susceptible areas may benefit from a stripe coat before or in between main coats. WFT’s of more than 5 mils (120 microns) must not be applied, as excessive WFT’s will affect the cure of the product.
Temperature resistance
Up to 1110°F (600°C) in service.
Touch dry time
Variable, approximately 30 minutes from application at 68°F (20°C).
Overcoat time
As soon as the first coat is dry, after approximately 30 minutes at 68°F (20°C).
Cleaning solvent