Plasmet HTE
Product reference: 5/05
Product title: Plasmet HTE
Valid from: 3rd December 2007
Last reviewed: August 2019
Type: A viscous, solvent free, two or three pack, amine cured epoxy, containing stainless steel flakes, glass flakes and silicon carbide.
Suggested use
Areas requiring abrasion (and chemical) resistance. This material has been used in cyclones, chemical process vessels, sugar beet pulping drums etc. It is also useful for building up damaged areas of pump impellers and casings where impact or abrasion are prevalent.
Dependent upon environment Immersed conditions: 275°F (135°C). Non-immersed conditions: 338°F (170°C).
Health & safety
Before handling or using this product the material safety data sheet should be read and all precautions observed.
Surface preparation
To obtain optimum adhesion the substrate should be grit blasted to SSPC-SP10 (ISO 8501-1 Sa 2½) or equivalent with 3 mils (75 micron) profile. If grit blasting is not possible, smooth surfaces should be roughened and scored by grinding to give the coating a key. Under these conditions there will be some reduction in adhesion properties. A release agent should be used for any surface to which the coating should not adhere.
Application equipment
Trowel, putty knife, stiff brush or other suitable implement.
Mixing ratio / mixing
3 parts Base to 2 parts Activator by weight. Pour all ofcomponent A into component B and mix thoroughly. The material is now ready for use; it should be applied as soon as possible.
Pot life
Variable dependent upon temperature and humidity, but approximately;Temp °C68°F86°F104°FPot Life (minutes)1004515Pot life will vary depending on quantity mixed.
DO NOT THIN. Base and activator can be indirectly pre-heated to 86°F (30°C) before mixing in cold applicationconditions.
1 Gallon and 5 Gallon kits.
Storage life
2 years minimum in unopened tins, stored at 41-104°F (5-40°C).
Color availability
Speckled grey or black. Color maychange with age or service
Recommended DFT
As a general lining 2mm, any desired thickness build-up.
Theoretical spreading rate
38 sf per gal (0.94m²/L) at 1mm.
Volume solids
Overcoating time
Maximum over-coating time is 12 hours at 68°F (20°C). The minimum over-coating time is 1 hour at 68°F (20°C) (2mm coating thickness). At different temperatures these times will vary, being shorter at higher temperatures and longer at lower temperatures. Amine bloom may cause intercoat adhesion failure. Refer to ‘Application’ above.
Cleaning solvent
Acetone, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Xylene.
Chemical resistance
This material is intended for application at thicknesses between 1.5 to 4mm. It is not normally applied at less than 1mm thickness but can be built up to any desired thickness provided care is taken to avoid pronounced exothermic temperature rises.
Material should only be applied when the surface temperature is between 8°C and 40°C. The surface temperature should be 5°C above dew point and humidity below an RH value of 90%. Under certain conditions ‘amine bloom’ may occur. As a precaution, it is recommended that in all cases, the surface is washed prior to overcoating. Using a 2% detergent solution in warm water.
Mixing ratio
6 parts base to 1 part activator by weight.
Mixing instructions
Remove lids from both components A-Activator and B-Base and scoop out all of component A putting into component B. Mix thoroughly, ensuring that no unmixed material remains. Remove all mixed material from base tin and remix on a clean flat surface or shallow receptacle. After mixing, the material remains usable for a limited period dependent upon temperature, after which time application becomes difficult. Mix only sufficient material that can be applied with the limited pot life.
Practical spreading rate
34 sf per gal (0.85m²/litre) at 1mm thickness.Note: This information is given in good faith but may increase dependent upon environment conditions, the geometryand nature of work undertaken, and the skill and care of application. Corrocoat accepts no responsibility for any deviation from these values.
Flash point
Greater than 230°F (110°C).
Activator type
Formulated Amine.
Mixing ratio
6 to 1 Base to Hardener W/W
Adhesive strength
Greater than 10 MPa
45 to 50 Barcol.Typically 40 – 50 depending on application temperature and cure.
Cure time
24 hours at 68°F (20°C). Although the cold cured properties of this material are excellent, they may be improved further by post curing. This can be achieved by applying heat at 140-212°F (60-100°C) for periods up to 24 hours at which time maximum possible cure will have been attained. Post cure for shorter periods will also improve the characteristics of this material.
Cure time
24 hours at 68°F (20°C). Although the cold cured properties of this material are excellent, they may be improved further by post curing. This can be achieved by applying heat at 140-212°F (60-100°C) for periods up to 24 hours at which time maximum possible cure will have been attained. Post cure for shorter periods will also improve the characteristics of this material.