Polyglass Hand Applied

Product reference: 2/26

Product title: Polyglass Hand Applied

Valid from: 9th July 2018

Last reviewed: May 2019


A two-pack, Polyester glass flake for hand application. Except for viscosity this
product has similar properties to the spray applied version of Polyglass.

Suggested use

Stripe coating and areas where spray application is


See limitations on main product sheet Polyglass.

Health & safety

Before handling or using this product, the material safety
data sheet should be read, and all precautions observed.

Surface preparation

For optimum performance of these productsunder immersed
conditions, grit blast steel to SSPC-SP10 (ISO standard
8501-1 Sa 2½) or equivalent, prior to application. For full
details refer to Corrocoat Surface Preparation SP1.

Application equipment

Brush or trowel.


When used alone two or morecoats of Polyglass HAshould
be applied until a minimum DFT of 26 mils (650 microns)
has been achieved,overthickness is notdetrimental.When
usedas a stripe coat a single layer of circa300um should be
applied, or asotherwisespecified.(Seebelowfor
overcoating intervals.)

Mixing ratio

Polyglass HAcan be catalysed by a 2% weight addition of
Corrocoat catalyst type P2.

Mixing procedure

Material is supplied in kits, each consisting of the base
component(largetin)togetherwith the appropriateamount
of catalyst (plastic bottle). Add 1 bottle of catalyst to a tin of
base material and agitate with a mechanical mixer for circa 2
minutes.Ensureall material is thoroughlymixedespeciallythe
bottom corner of tin

Curing times

Tack free: Approx. 4 hours at 68°F (20°C). Full Cure: 3-4
days at 68°F (20°C). Minimum cure before immersion: 24 hours at 68°F (20°C)


Pot life

60 minutes at 68°F (20°C). Pot life will reduce
substantially with increase in temperature and extend
with decrease in temperature. Inhibitor is available to
extend pot life for hot climates. Mix inhibitor well and
before catalyst.

Volume solids

This material contains volatile liquid convertible to solids.
Actual volume solids obtained will vary dependent upon
polymerization conditions. Nominally 99% of the contents
are convertible to solid.

Theoretical spreading rate

81 sf per gal at 20 mils (2.0m²/litre at 500 microns)

Practical spreading rate

65 sf per gal at 20 mils (1.6m2/litre at 500 microns).
NOTE: This information is given in good faith, but rate
may vary significantly dependent upon environmental
conditions, the geometry and nature of work undertaken
and the skill and care of application. Corrocoat accept no
responsibility for any deviation from these values.


It is important to observe maximum overcoating times
and note these will vary significantly with climatic
conditions. Overcoating may take place as soon as the
previous coat has gelled sufficiently to bear the weight of
the next coat and while still tacky. Maximum
overcoating interval is 48 hrs at 68°F (20°C) for PGHA.
For longer intervals than this refer to Corrocoat TSD for
advice. Best inter-coat adhesion characteristics are
obtained by short overcoating intervals.
Refer to main product data sheets for full information.


of solvent thinners will adverselyaffectperformance and
under no circumstances must they be used.

Cleaning solvent

Use Methyl Ethyl Ketone or Methyl Iso Butyl Ketone
before gelation occurs.