Polyglass Zipcoat
Product reference: 2/38
Product title: Zipcoat
Valid from: 27th November 2007
Last reviewed: May 2019
Arapid curing two-pack, multi-monomerisophthalic polyester glassflake
Suggested use
Zipcoat provides durable corrosion protection in aggressive
atmospheric conditions and some immersion environments.
It has excellent application characteristics and can be applied
in single coats, giving good edge coverage, when spray
applied. Zipcoat has good gloss and cosmetic appearance.
It has rapid cure times and will cure at temperatures below
freezing. Zipcoat may be used for structural steel, bridges,
piling, jetties, ships hulls, decks, ballast tanks, pipelines and
other immersed marine environments.
Unsuitableforimmersion service in many chemical and
aggressive service environments. Temperaturelimit
in Immersion service is 122°F (50°C), and in nonimmersed environments 194°F (90°C).
Health & safety
Before handling or using this product, the material safety
data sheet should be read and all precautions observed.
Surface preparation
Metals: Grit blast to SSPC-SP10 (ISO 8501-1 Sa
2½) or equivalent standard. (For full details refer to
Corrocoat Surface Preparation SP1).
Concrete:Priming is required.See CorrocoatSurface
Preparation Specification SP5.
Storage life
Base: 12 months stored at temperatures below 75°F (24°C)
away from heat sources and direct sunlight. During
extended storage i.e. greater than 3 months, it is
recommended that the drums be periodically inverted.
Frequent temperature cycling will shorten storage life and
may cause condensation polymerisation.
Hardener: 6 months at 75°F (24°C). (Note Hardener may
become hazardous if stored at high ambient
temperatures. See separate HS Data Sheet).
Color availability
OffWhite or LightGrey are standard.Other colors including
green,red oxide, yellow and black are available on request.
Price subject to color andquantity.
NOTE: This product is formulated to give optimum corrosion
resistance. Due to the nature of the polymerization process of
this product, it is not possible to guarantee color stability or
Volume solids
Nominallygreaterthan 99%.This material contains volatile
liquid monomers, convertible to solids. In consequence
volume solids and WFT/DFT ratios will vary, dependent
on polymerization conditions. As guidance, a wet film of
20 mils (500microns) will normally achieve 16 mils
(400microns) DFT.
Recommended DFT
microns) minimum in immersion.
Practical coverage rate
microns) DFT.
NOTE: This information is given in good faith but
consumption may increase dependent upon environment
conditions, geometry, nature of work undertaken and the skill
and care of application. Corrocoat accepts no responsibility
for any deviation from these values.
Specific gravity
Hardener: 0.03lbs/cubic inch (1.1 gcm-3)
Flash point
Mixing ratio
safety requirements. At high ambient temperatures inhibitor
may be used to extend pot life but should be added to the
base and thoroughly mixed before addition of the hardener.
optimum conditions.
1 Gallon and 5 Gallon Kits
Airless Spray Pump with minimum 30:1 ratio and output of
at least 3 litres per minute. The pump should be fitted with
leather seals and all fluid filters removed. Use 10mm diameter
(3/8”) Nylon lined spray hose with a short 6mm (¼”) whip end
and large bore contractor type Spray Gun fitted with swivel
connector. An 18-25 thou reversible tip is recommended.
Spray tip size and fan pattern can vary and should be
selected to suit the nature of the work. Fluid pressure should
be circa 2500 psi depending on temperature, spray line
length etc. (Refer to Application DataSheet).
Intended primarily for spray application, Zipcoat may be
applied by brush or short haired roller
Pot life
Pot life will vary significantly with temperature but
generally 50-60 minutes using P2 catalyst.
Temp | 39°F (4ºC) |
68°F (20ºC) |
86°F (30ºC) |
104°F (40ºC*) |
122°F (50ºC*) |
Pot life | 4.5 hrs | 55mins | 30mins | 25*mins | 15*mins |
(* using inhibitor) |
The performance of this product will be adversely affected
by the use of solvent thinners.
Thinning may be achieved by the addition of not more than
5% by volume of styreneto the base. For normal applications
it is not anticipated that any addition of styrene will be
necessary. Addition of styrene may increase tack free times
and hold-up will be affected.This should be checked before
Elongation to break
Abrasion resistance
Tensile strength
Where multiple coats are required, overcoating may take
place as soon as the previous coat has gelled and still tacky.
Maximum overcoating time is 72 hours at 68°F (20°C).
Overcoating times can be extended at low temperatures but
will reduce significantly at higher ambient temperatures
and/or in strong sunlight.
Cure time
Tackfree in less than 3 hours, full cure 4 days at 68°F
(20°C). Tack free and full cure values will vary subject to
ventilation and temperature. The product may be put into
non-aggressive service once tack free.
Cleaning solvent
Normal solvents are ineffective in removing Zipcoat resin
from spray pumps and lines. Zipcoat cleaner should be
used within the pot life of the product to avoid equipment
damage. If Zipcoat Cleaner is unavailable, MEK or Acetone
can be used. Observe safety regulations.
Flash point
84°F (29°C).
Where multiple coats are required, overcoating may take place as soon as the previous coat has gelled and still tacky. Maximumovercoating time is 72 hours at 68°F (20°C). Overcoating times can be extended at low temperatures but will reduce significantly at higher ambient temperatures and/or in strong sunlight.
Catalyst / hardener type
Organic peroxide at 2% by weight