Polyglass Ecoflake

Product reference: 3/42

Product title: Renderpol

Valid from: 13th January 2000

Last reviewed: May 2019

Last reviewed: A general-purpose two or three pack epoxy filler, type: a two-pack cold curedpolyester screed, filler and repair compound.


Suggested use

As a re-surfacer and repair compound for concrete, brick
and metallic substrates. The product may be used with
reinforcementmesh where necessary to ensure the integrity
of severely damaged components and as an aid to bonding.
Typical areas of work include pit filling, drain interceptors,
gullies etc.


Not suitable for immersion in some highly polar solvents,
demineralized water,extremes of pH values orimmersion
temperatures above 122°F (50°C).

Health & safety

Before handling or using this product, the material safety data sheets should be read, and all precautions observed.

Stiff Brush or trowel or scraper blade

Stiff Brush or trowel or scraper blade.

Mixing ratio

98:2 PBW base to organic peroxide.