Product reference: 5/11

Product title: SB1

Valid from: 5th January 1998

Last reviewed: May 2019


A one-pack, solvent based, chlorinated rubber coating containing lamellar
flake pigmentation.

Suggested use

Concrete: The coating possesses good water and oil resistance,flexibilityandabrasionresistanceandis easy to maintain having self-cleaning properties in certain applications. This product is suitable for floor areas subjected to vehicular traffic.


Not suitable for continuous service above 176°F (80°C).

Health & safety

This product is safe in general use provided that normal precautions for use of flammable products are observed. Ensure adequate ventilation in use. Operational exposure limit (OEL) is 50ppm based on a 40-hour week. A TLVis not available for this product.

Surface preparation

For best results, surface laitance should be removed by wire brushing,discing or sand blasting. However, good results can be obtained by simply removing patches of oil, grease etc., by steam cleaning or high pressure, fresh water washing. Surface should be vacuum cleaned prior to application to remove dust and surface contamination.

Application equipment

Brush,longhaired roller,spray


For best results apply two coats at 3mils (75 microns) dft, or three

Volume solids


Theoretical spreading rate

525 sf per gal at 2 mils
(12.9m²/litre/50 micron)

Drying times (well ventilated areas)

Touch dry: 1 hour at 68°F (20°C)
Dry to overcoat: 7 hours at 68°F (20°C) (brush)
4 hours at 68°F (20°C) (airless spray)

Equipment cleaner

White Spirit, Xylene, MIBK coats at 2 mils (50 microns) dft. The first coat should be diluted with up to 5% of xylene to allow good penetration to
the concrete. Additional undiluted coats may then be applied
at suitable intervals (see“Over coatingTimes”below).A
three-coat system minimises the risks of solventretention
within the coating and is advised for ambient temperatures
less than 41°F (5°C).

Pot life

Not applicable


Up to 5% xylene addition to the primer coat is preferable.
Thinning of subsequent coats is not recommended.

Storage life

Greater than 2 years at 77°F (25°C)


Blue (a wide range is possible)

Flash point

Greater than 104°F (40°C)

Recommended DFT

2-3 mils (50-75 microns) per coat

Specific gravity

0.04lbs/cubic inch (1.19 g/cm-3