Application date
Scope Of Work
condensate water system.
The component illustrated cavitation and undercutting
damage, with severe corrosion around the flange area.
Coating system
• Grit blasted internally to ISO 8501-1 cleanliness
standard SA 21/2.
• Grit blasted externally to ISO 8501-1 cleanliness
standard SA 2.
• Applied internally Corrocoat EA / EB to achieve a
minimum dft of 2.0mm followed by a top coat of
Fluiglide E.
• Applied externally 2 coats of Plasmet ZF followed by a cosmetic top coat.
Coating credentials
• Corrocoat’s EA and EB series provide a high build
flexibilized epoxy system with good resistance to
erosion, cavitation and impact, when used at
thicknesses above 1.5mm.
• Originally these components were glass lined.
Corrocoat can either repair, or completely refurbish
Glass lined components – depending on the level of
damage, and the environment in which they are
• The use of glass-flake linings, specially manufactured
for their cavitation, erosion and impact resistance
offers an excellent alternative to glass and other
linings – subject to the environmental conditions
being within the specification of the glass-flake lining.
• Glass frit lining can be expensive and time consuming due to the subsequent stoving required. The additional process steps required in glass frit lining also negates the possibility of on-site application or repair if required. Glass flake linings can be applied
and repaired on site.
Middle: Severe undercutting & cavitation damage
in the flange area.
Right: Completed repair and refurbishment.
Awaiting packing and dispatch to customer.