HESS EQUATORIAL GUINEA INC. On-board the Sendje- Ceiba F.P.S.O. (Floating Production Storage & Off-loading) facility, 50 Km off the coast of Equatorial Guinea, West Africa.
Application Date
Scope Of Work
To perform internal rubber lining repairs where the rubber bond to the steel substrate had failed and; To abrasive blast clean to ISO 8501-1, Sa 2½ and coat the externals of 5 off Fine Filter Vessels with PLASMET ECP, ZIP-E and recoatable polyurethane topcoat, utilizing positive displacement high pressure airless spray equipment, to an average Dry Film Thickness of 700 µm and a minimum thickness of 550 µm DFT.
metallic salts removed using Corrocoat Chlor*rid decontamination solution. Each section was blast cleaned and decontaminated three times in order to bring the metallic salts to acceptable levels. The location is a high temperature-humidity and rainfall, severe marine industrial environment which rates as a C5 on the Corrosivity Index.
Client : Coating Selection Criteria
Longest possible anti-corrosion life expectancy with the lowest risk of failure.
• PLASMET ECP was used owing to the high humidity conditions.
• CORROCOAT ZIP-E was used in order to offer outstanding performance in terms of long-term anti-corrosion ability in extreme marine industrial environments.
• A recoatable polyurethane topcoat was applied to offer aesthetic appeal and UV protection.
The following references were written about the fine filter rehabilitation:-
“Corrocoat provided an excellent service, the work was provided ahead of schedule in a very challenging environment. I would have no hesitation in using this Company again (and will do)” – Sandy Buchan (Operations Specialist Production).
“Corrocoat performed an excellent job both in terms of product supply and performance. During the recent campaign they were able to finish 4 days ahead of schedule without any compromise to safety and quality……….I would have no hesitation in Considering Corrocoat to return to Ceiba for any future topside coating work”. – Graham Collins OIM –
(Off-shore Installation Manager)