The Industry
The Challenge:
The Solution:
•The caissons were first grit blasted internally and externally to ISO 8501-1 cleanliness standard SA 2 ½ in accordance with Corrocoat’s standard procedures.
•The internal surfaces were lined with Polyglass VEF at 1,500 microns followed by a coat of Biofoul at 350 microns. This high performance composite lining combination offers high resistance to aggressive service conditions and a design life in seawater of over 25 years.
•The external surfaces were also protected with Polyglass VEF at 1500 microns. In both the internal and externalcases, after grit blasting the field joint area were masked off and left uncoated to prevent heat damage to the lining during welding.
Due to the extensive worldwide coverage offered by Corrocoat, after delivery Corrocoat’s South African operation were able to mobilize to site to fully protect the internal and external field joints after welding.
Results & Benefits
As one of the world’s leading names in anti-corrosion technology, Corrocoat have a proven 40 year track record of providing cost effective long-term corrosion protection to the international oil and gas industry. Offering professional high quality service, both in house and on site, Corrocoat is justifiably proud of the many caissons, pipes and manifolds protected, many of which remain in service after more than 20 years,