Case Studies Corrocoat products have helped protect the investments of businesses across all industrial sectors. Here’s some of the ways how: All By Industry By Application PetrochemicalPulp and PaperPower GenerationFood and BeverageRenewablesOil and GasMarineGeneral IndustryWastewaterMiningInfrastructure and BridgesSteel ManufacturingUS129: Sulphuric Acid BuildingView Case StudyUS125: Holy Roof RefurbishmentView Case StudyUS124: Chemicals Vessel and LidView Case StudyUS121: Arsenic Scrubber TankView Case StudyUS120: Reflux Tank Dished EndsView Case StudyUS114: Chemical Dosing TankView Case StudyUS107: Pump Casing and ImpellerView Case StudyCC001: PUMP PROTECTED FROM SODIUM HYPOCHLORITEView Case StudyCC025: Corroglass AR4 for chemical storageView Case StudyCC026: Extending the Working Life of a Pump Handling Corrosive ChemicalsView Case StudyCC039: Corroglass 200 & Fluiglide Extend Pump’s EfficiencyView Case StudyCC041: Plasmet ZF and ZE Protect Materials Handling Equipment at Fertilizer PlantView Case Study4 1 5